Associated General Contractors of America has launched a website called The Culture of CARE— The Culture of CARE is challenging leaders to take a bold and visible step toward ensuring their workplaces are welcoming, safe, and inclusive for an increasingly diverse and talented pool of workers.

Company leaders and individuals are invited to TAKE THE PLEDGE:

“Our company believes that every individual has the right to a work environment that is free from harassment, hazing and bullying. We will take action to ensure every employee at our company has the opportunity to reach their full potential by building a culture that is diverse, safe, welcoming and inclusive.”

The word “CARE” represents the following ideas:

COMMIT to hire and pay based on skill and experience regardless of ethnicity, gender, nationality, race, religion or sexual orientation.

ATTRACT prospective employees by creating inclusive workplaces that are free from harassment, hazing and bullying.

RETAIN high-performing employees by identifying and removing barriers to advancement.

EMPOWER every employee to promote a culture of diversity and inclusion.

Companies committing to a Culture of CARE are not passively thinking about their company culture, they are actively working to ensure that every employee – from the CEO to the laborer – has the opportunity to feel valued, respected, and heard. They believe that everyone has the right to a work environment that is free from harassment, hazing and bullying.

The Culture of CARE also provides resources for construction companies to “Make an Impact” after taking their pledge, including toolbox talks, training downloads, posters, hard hat stickers and more.

We invite you to join FLCC in this movement. Commit to helping build a construction workplace that is diverse, safe, welcoming and inclusive for all, by taking the Culture of CARE Pledge.

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