• New Year Prospective and Perspective

    This is the time of year many of us are looking back at last year long enough to look at adjustments in the new year with the intention of more favorable results. Recapping helps us gain perspective on what […]

    2 years ago, by
  • Part 2: Promoting Construction Trade and Management Careers

    Several years back, I was asked to co-facilitate a lunch group of wives married to successful men in the construction industry. These ladies had never worked in the industry themselves. About half of them had careers outside of raising […]

    2 years ago, by
  • Seventy-Five Percent by 2025

    At a recent Work of Leaders workshop session, a client asked us to set aside time to discuss improving communication with the younger generation.  I asked my daughter Samantha if she would take the lead to co-facilitate this segment […]

    3 years ago, by
  • Construction Management Career Jumpstart

    Just as the battery in your car may need a jump start from time to time, each of us might need a jumpstart in our careers to aid our ability to move forward. The first time someone needs support […]

    4 years ago, by
  • 2021- What a Year!

    That isn’t a typo.  You either glanced at this with anticipation to what you will be thankful for when 2021 comes to a close with a glass half-full, or you read it and saw a glass half empty, with […]

    4 years ago, by
  • Looking Beyond Your Nose

    This is that time of year when the lights shine bright.  One of our family traditions is to set up a display of the Rudolph figurines.  Last year we finally added Bumble to the set when a friend of […]

    4 years ago, by
  • Would You Give Four Hours a Month?

    My husband and I often reminisce about our many mentors—formal and informal—who have shaped our careers by being a sounding board, educating us on the nuances of the industry, and guiding us to the right people to answer our […]

    4 years ago, by
  • Coaching for Communications 

    Coaching helps highly functional people (teams of people) get to the next level so they can have a more meaningful and satisfying life (work environment). Working with my own leadership team recently at FLCC and in conjunction with the […]

    4 years ago, by
  • Create A Culture of CARE with the help of AGC

    Associated General Contractors of America has launched a website called The Culture of CARE—buildculture.org. The Culture of CARE is challenging leaders to take a bold and visible step toward ensuring their workplaces are welcoming, safe, and inclusive for an […]

    4 years ago, by
  • A Decade to Remember: Past and Future

    2020 is here! Most people in the construction industry don’t want to look back a decade to 2010. The recession was in full swing, opportunities were limited to certain project types, and companies of all sizes were competing for […]

    5 years ago, by
  • Winning Games or Winning the Championship

    Last Thursday our team members from FLCC attended a leadership event where Don Campion, CEO and Founder of Banyan Air was the guest speaker. He shared with us some of the tidbits of his forty years in business, and focused […]

    5 years ago, by
  • Lead Your Team to Success in the Zone!

    For over two decades Suzanne Breistol and her network of qualified industry professionals have been working together to help individuals in the construction industry grow their careers. Below is an overview of some of the many programs that Construction [...]
    5 years ago, by