Professional Characteristics of Exemplary Women in Construction

During the first week in March, many in the construction industry celebrate “Women in Construction Week,” an observance dating back to 1960.


The Number of Women in Construction is Growing

According to a recent article from FIXR, with data from US Department of Labor, for the last 11 consecutive years, the number of women in the construction industry has increased. Today, 10.8% of those working in the construction industry are women, up from 10.3% last year. Of those, 40% are in management roles, and the increase in women in senior management continues to climb. Many of the companies for which we provide career matchmaking and career coaching services often comment on the characteristics that accompany the exemplary performers in our industry. They support women being promoted and holding senior roles and offer career paths for them to achieve their goals while maintaining a work-life balance.


What Distinguishes an Esteemed Woman?

Over many years of working with women in construction and starting and chairing a Women’s Council for Associated Builders and Contractors in the past, among annual participation in other women-targeted events and programs, I have found there are a few common traits of women who are esteemed for their work.

  1. They are top communicators. Regardless of how they feel about their superior’s directives, they control their emotions and support the determined course of action, demonstrating their buy-in to those around them. If they have an issue to address, they communicate to understand and not to undermine.
  2. They are adaptable. Construction is an industry full of evolving and changing circumstances and diverse people interacting through ever-shifting schedules and challenges. These top-performing women are not only organized planners; they can serve others around them and achieve results despite the circumstances.
  3. They are humbly confident. They can ask for what they need or what is important to them without being needy or commanding. Instead of falling victim to the situation or waiting for someone to see and remove barriers, they take charge of situations themselves.
  4. They are not naïve. They do not lack wisdom or judgment, irrespective of experience with constructability or exposure to something new. They verify instead of justify and use their inner instincts to guide them when they suspect follow-up or more follow-through is needed.

The most prevalent character trait they portray is the ability to retain their femininity without allowing it to interfere with their work. They do not use it to gain favor nor baselessly invoke it when they feel someone has spoken to or treated them inappropriately.


Support for Women’s Careers in Construction

During my tenure as part of the Women’s Council, we listened to the testimonies of successful executive-level women in our industry. All of them who were given more responsibility with time gave recognition to the others in the industry, especially the men who did not give them special favors or differential treatment as a female. Those men and women who gave them opportunities held them to the expectations of the job and company.

To all the women in construction: If you ever need a listening ear, we are here for you. My team and I understand your challenges and champion your careers and success in life.

Thank you for choosing to work in the construction industry.


To Your Continued Success,




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