• Take Notice!

    The Many Faces of Recognition: Understanding Its Importance in the Workplace Recognition, the word that means so many different things to people. It only takes seconds scrolling through social media posts in a business setting to see someone post […]

    2 days ago, by
  • How Did You Lead This Year?

    Leadership has been tested at an all-time high these past two years. Sick time, typically being at a minimum for hard-charging construction professionals, became the forefront of business planning and implementation. New technology implementations became necessary to provide remote […]

    3 years ago, by
  • Knowing You—Imperfect Perfection In The Workplace

    We all know the famous quote, “Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it.” Knowing how you might react to how something is communicated will help you in the workplace to […]

    3 years ago, by
  • Construction Leaders – Know to Grow

    John Maxwell’s recent “Minute with Maxwell” was titled “ Grow Through Life”, wherein he teaches that some people go through life and others grow through life. How do you as a leader know the key areas of leadership that […]

    5 years ago, by
  • Goals – Personal/Professional – How about Behavioral?

    Most of the time when setting resolutions for the New Year, we automatically set health and fitness goals like losing weight, eating better, or exercising more; or financial goals like making more money, saving more, or developing a budget. […]

    5 years ago, by
  • I Feel You!

    Recently after completing one of those crazy Facebook quizzes and thinking about how it seemed to come back surprisingly spot on, upon further reflection I realized it may not be so.  The quiz results said I love honesty and […]

    5 years ago, by
  • The Executive Match

    Quite often we interview candidates who have received executive titles from their current or previous employers, yet are nevertheless not a match for a company who can offer the candidate more structure and security. This arises for a number […]

    5 years ago, by
  • Stress and Your Career

    I have battled Rheumatoid Arthritis for over a decade now. The onset of the disease occurred at the same time as being prescribed the incorrect medication for a Vitamin D deficiency.  My original symptoms arose from overachieving at work […]

    5 years ago, by
  • Lead Your Team to Success in the Zone!

    For over two decades Suzanne Breistol and her network of qualified industry professionals have been working together to help individuals in the construction industry grow their careers. Below is an overview of some of the many programs that Construction [...]
    5 years ago, by
  • Do You Know Yourself?

    Aristotle once said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” The relationship with yourself is one of the most important relationships in your life. I decided to study some of the hundreds of references we have received to better […]

    6 years ago, by
  • Fragile Ballerinas: Are you Antagonistic?

    Several times over the years clients have contracted us for DiSC coaching with project team members who are antagonizing to others. Three of these particular instances the employee had already pushed the other party’s buttons enough where it had become […]

    6 years ago, by
  • Driven for Results

    While reading The Washington Post this week, I came across an article that states “But there’s one statistic that has been vexing economists. The size of the nation’s workforce — known as the labor force participation rate — continues […]

    6 years ago, by