• Take Notice!

    The Many Faces of Recognition: Understanding Its Importance in the Workplace Recognition, the word that means so many different things to people. It only takes seconds scrolling through social media posts in a business setting to see someone post […]

    2 days ago, by
  • Unexpected Changes: When Job Expectations Don’t Match Reality

    Have you ever thought something would be easier or take less time than it actually turned out? Have you ever met someone only to find out over time that they are not the person you initially thought?   A new […]

    2 weeks ago, by
  • Not Feeling Challenged?

    The words of a marriage vow may or may not be familiar to you. (I, ______, take you, ______, to be my (husband/wife), to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for […]

    2 years ago, by
  • The Balance of Power in the Workplace

    Who is more important in the workplace, employer or employee? Established business owners know you can’t grow and sustain a business without the right human capital. Human capital refers to the stock of knowledge, talent, skills, and abilities brought […]

    2 years ago, by
  • Gentle Workplace Management

    Being the dominant personality I am, I grew up hearing the words “be gentle” quite often, but I never interpreted it to do with character. It was more when handling things such as small chicks or ornaments for the […]

    3 years ago, by
  • A Big Career Step in the New Year

    Reflecting back and setting goals for 2022 included, for me, assessing the matches we made this year. Thankfully we had very few matches that didn’t work out. The “fall-offs,” as we call them, do, though, all have a common […]

    3 years ago, by
  • Eyes Open in the Workplace

    Countenance as dictionary.com states is appearance, especially the look or expression of the face. Merriam-Webster states:  facial appearance regarded as an indication of mood or feeling. The verb form countenanced or countenancing means to approve, support, permit, tolerate, encourage.  You should have countenanced […]

    3 years ago, by
  • How Did You Lead This Year?

    Leadership has been tested at an all-time high these past two years. Sick time, typically being at a minimum for hard-charging construction professionals, became the forefront of business planning and implementation. New technology implementations became necessary to provide remote […]

    3 years ago, by
  • Effects Spending Habits Have on Your Career

    We turned the calendar to November, officially ushering in the holiday season. This is frequently the time of year many in the workplace are in the celebration way, using remaining PTO, maybe looking forward to a bonus, and, as […]

    3 years ago, by
  • Hiring Smart to Support Your Field Managers Who Directly Manage Working Foremen and Trades

    This past year, more than years past, we’ve had more superintendents and field managers want to leave self-performing contracting firms for roles where the contractor subcontracts the trade labor. They state there is a shortage of qualified tradesmen and […]

    3 years ago, by
  • Is It Workplace Nepotism, or Would They Behave That Way Anyway?

    For all of us who own businesses and employ or have employed family members, we know the warnings people give us about hiring friends and family. Yet there are as many pros as cons, and for small business owners, […]

    3 years ago, by
  • With or Without COVID-19: Healthy Construction Workplace Behavior Supports Positive Outcomes 

    Our Career Coaches converse with people from the construction industry on a daily basis—from college age to retirement age, and from management to administrative and accounting roles. Companies are challenged to demonstrate compassion about circumstances related COVID-19, which is […]

    3 years ago, by