• A Day at the Range

    On Saturday, I joined a group of friends at an advanced handgun safety class in “Gun World”.  I grew up around guns—mainly rifles for target practice—and although I was not a hunter, hunting season was a big deal in […]

    5 years ago, by
  • In Honor and Remembrance

    This weekend, most people working in construction will have a long weekend to celebrate Memorial Day, and honor in our hearts those who died serving our country. Growing up, I remember spending Memorial Day weekend visiting cemeteries where my […]

    5 years ago, by
  • All Gave Some – Some Gave All – Military and Construction

    This Memorial Day weekend I experienced holding new life as I met our little granddaughter for the first time. Ten perfect fingers and ten perfect toes.  She already has a personality all of her own and her preferences as […]

    6 years ago, by