• Beyond Building Projects – Planning for Office Projects

    At times, our company can be strenuously challenged with projects like preparing for tradeshows, moving employee offices, planning a company party, or even sending out holiday greetings. As a leader, despite rolling out the initiative and thinking myself to […]

    5 years ago, by
  • I Feel You!

    Recently after completing one of those crazy Facebook quizzes and thinking about how it seemed to come back surprisingly spot on, upon further reflection I realized it may not be so.  The quiz results said I love honesty and […]

    5 years ago, by
  • Construction Managers – 26 Things to be Thankful for at Work

    A – Architects A picture is worth a thousand words. Imagine building anything of significance without plans and specifications. B – Baselines Imagine what a project is like without them.  Everyone would be on time, within scope and budget, for […]

    5 years ago, by
  • In, Out, and in Doubt

    This is that time of year.  Employees resign, employers lay off, and even if employment status doesn’t change, evaluations on performance from both sides fester in minds and hearts. The human internal clock seems to measure life by the […]

    5 years ago, by
  • A Day at the Range

    On Saturday, I joined a group of friends at an advanced handgun safety class in “Gun World”.  I grew up around guns—mainly rifles for target practice—and although I was not a hunter, hunting season was a big deal in […]

    5 years ago, by
  • Career and Hiring Control

    Why do some companies always seem to hire the right people every time?  My first CEO coach (when I just started building an organization at my company) pounded home to me the saying, “people for jobs, not jobs for […]

    5 years ago, by
  • Stability Attracts Stability – Yes Construction Managers, it Exists

    Aldous Huxley, Oxford graduate and author of more than fifty books, including Brave New World, Devils of Loudun and A Women’s Vengence known for an array of pithy sayings, one of which is, “No social stability without individual stability”. Another of […]

    5 years ago, by
  • The Executive Match

    Quite often we interview candidates who have received executive titles from their current or previous employers, yet are nevertheless not a match for a company who can offer the candidate more structure and security. This arises for a number […]

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  • Different Fiscal and Tax Years to Maintain Employees

    Your business fiscal year is almost always your tax year, but it doesn’t have to be, and there are many benefits in the construction industry to having them end in different quarters. This is particularly true with respect to […]

    5 years ago, by
  • “Love Them More” Construction

    Earlier this year, my husband and I had the opportunity to visit the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, North Carolina.  Both Billy Graham, one of the most influential leaders of the 20th century, and his wife Ruth, are buried […]

    5 years ago, by
  • “Workplace Intimacy” 

    This week, we conducted several first month check-ins with candidates and hiring managers we matched.  These included employees regularly working directly with the person who hired them, as well as those working in a remote location away from the […]

    5 years ago, by
  • Time Theft in Construction

    When interviewing a candidate for Construction, it is typically a bad sign if he asks about work hours.  We are typically a “whatever it takes” industry, and the hours to meet deadlines can vary from day to day and […]

    5 years ago, by