• Is your Contract Hurricane Ready?

    As we begin to near the end of what is potentially the costliest hurricane season on record, those affected are left thinking, what now? In the construction industry, this question can be particularly troublesome.  Hurricanes bring projects to a […]

    7 years ago, by
  • Business Disaster Preparedness Plan

    As per HurricaneSafety.org, Hurricane Preparedness Plan does not end at home. An often over-looked segment of hurricane safety is the workplace. Whether or not you are an employee or an employer, it is essential to take proactive steps in […]

    7 years ago, by
  • What’s fair for time off before and after a natural disaster?

    When a natural disaster strikes there is often a significant amount of uncertainty regarding how to handle absenteeism related to the natural disaster. Before hurricane Irma slammed South Florida, many residents chose to evacuate the area rather than stay […]

    7 years ago, by