Remember Those You Love!

Valentine’s Day is around the corner, and with it comes the challenge of finding a very special way to tell your partner that you love him or her. This is particularly tricky for people who are being careful about watching their money because applying a low-cost filter to Valentine’s Day gifts eliminates many classic items, such as jewelry and flowers.

Luckily, many of the most memorable and worthwhile gifts aren’t ones that break the bank. Here are 8 of our favorite ideas that you can use to make Valentine’s Day extra special for your partner!

1. Go Low-Tech

Sometimes something as simple as turning off technology can help you tune in to your relationship. Once the kids are in bed, light some candles or start a fire and play a board game, cook together or just talk. No phones, no TV, no computer — just you and your honey.

2. Recreate Your First Date

Whether it was roller skating, taking your dogs for a walk or going to dinner and a movie, go on a retro date. Rent that movie and cook what you both ate, book a sitter and take the dogs for a long stroll or find a roller rink. There’ll be small fees for admission, but the nostalgia will be worth it.

3. Have a Family Picnic

Order food from a take-out restaurant and have a picnic for all the Valentines in your family on your living room floor, in your backyard or a nearby park with a view. The person who suggested this said:

“The kids look forward to this every year. When we tried to change it, they wouldn’t allow it… it has become a tradition. The kids see the value of family and a loving marriage.”

4. “Post-it” your Love

After your spouse goes to bed, tape notes to his/her car’s steering wheel with reasons that you love him/her, or decorate the bathroom mirror with lipstick kisses or Valentine’s window clings.

5. Food in the shape of Love

For an inexpensive date, have your local pizza parlor make a pizza in the shape of a heart with “love” written in pepperoni. Drop off some flowers at the restaurant and make arrangements for the pizza and the flowers to be delivered unexpectedly.

6. Take a Hike

Pack a lunch, grab a few water bottles, and hit the trail. You’ll be amazed at the quality of conversation you can have with someone while you are hiking up a mountain or through a trail in the woods. After all, it is Valentine’s Day, so why not get your heart in shape?

7. Dinner and a Movie… The Remix

Okay, we know, dinner and a movie is so cliché. But what about a candlelit home-cooked meal and a romantic rental movie? You don’t have to buy filet mignon and lobster. You can get great deals on chicken, pork and certain types of fish. Pair it up with a little pasta, and you’re ready to treat your significant other to an unforgettable evening!

8. No matter what you decide to do, accompany that gift with a handwritten note. 

Even if you’re not a wordsmith, a few words written in your own handwriting with a genuine feeling of love behind them will mean an incredible amount. Something as simple as “I don’t have the perfect words to express how much you mean to me. I just know I love you with all of my heart,” followed by your signature will be more than enough to warm anyone’s heart.

Check out what the audience from the Ellen Show answered when asked if they had any great tips for saving money on Valentine’s Day.



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