Moving to number three on the Indeed list of top reasons people leave their employers is “feeling uninspired.” The internet search for “uninspired” reveals, “If you describe something or someone as uninspired, you are criticizing them because they do not seem to have any original or exciting qualities.”

Feeling uninspired or “lacking excitement” for your job is easier for others to accept as your reason for departing if your job is on an assembly line. An example in construction might be doing lineal takeoff all day on the same product or type of projects and not being given other responsibilities or further expanded projects.

Regardless of what you have been faithful with to date, it is difficult to fathom a situation where an employer would not want to encourage you with taking on new responsibilities, allowing you to rejuvenate the spark right where you are. If you are a loyal, dependable employee and behave professionally, at least a little desire to rejuvenate your current employment relationship is there. After all, you have time and heart and soul invested. Those reasons are worth keeping intact for future reference even if you ultimately decide to make a company move.

Much like in a committed personal relationship, you can leave the relationship when things are lacking excitement, or you can communicate and lead in the relationship to rekindle the spark. In business, relighting the spark might be temporary, yet doing so allows you to set goals for your future with a positive mindset and finish strong so you can always positively reference that time in your life. After all, how do you know if your current company has opportunities for you if you don’t take the initiative to inquire? Timing is everything, and often a supervisor may have all the intentions of honoring you with attention, intention, and excitement, yet the supervisors’ other responsibilities interfere with good intentions. Much like when kids are introduced to a family: With each addition, the hours in a day are divided, and as much as you want them equally divided, it just doesn’t work that way.

Norman Vincent Peale said, “When you change your thoughts, remember to also change your world.”

Argentine poet, Pedro Bonifacio Palacios “Almafuerte” wrote:

“To the weak, difficulty is a closed door. To the strong, however, it is a door waiting to be opened. Difficulties impede the progress of those who are weak. For the strong, however, they are opportunities to open wide the doors to a bright future. Everything is determined by our attitude, by our resolve. Our heart is what matters most.”

To demonstrate your strength in the workplace before you depart, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Am I experiencing all my current employer has to offer?
  2. Is it easier for me to resign than have a conversation to express my needs? (Fight or Flight?)
  3. Can I identify what more excitement looks like in the workplace?
  4. Despite my current lack of excitement, am I giving my best to my employer and associates with my responsibilities while seeking the solution?
  5. If I decide to depart, does the opportunity and timing work for the totality of my life, personal and professional, and not cause other relationships to suffer?

Almafuerte’s quote is about a strong attitude. You may leave that job for a new challenge, new adventure, which creates new excitement, yet until the right time, give 100% to your current relationship, whether they are reciprocating or not. The right door will open in time if you have a pure heart in your resolve.

To Your Workplace Spark,

Suzanne Breistol


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