During interview candidates often answer questions referring to we did this, or we did that. I compliment them on being a team player then remind the candidate an employer is most interested in what they alone took responsibility for.
The interview process, if done correctly, by both the employer is a two -way conversation. The conversation during the interview process is to determine if the company and current opening at that company is a match. The match should be based on beliefs, skills, abilities and most importantly willingness to do the job.
The interview process is a lot like dating.
You are determining if you would like to further your relationship with one another or not. Dating for personal and interviewing for business.
Whenever the interviewer spends too much time talking about the company or themselves or the candidate interviewing spends too much time talking about themselves communication becomes one-sided. A healthy interview like a healthy date is when both parties take interest in learning about one another. Interviewing one another is the interviewer representing the company and the interviewee focusing on their business acumen, ability, and desire.
Both the interviewer and the interviewee should be making it all about them. The interviewer should be mentally focused on candidates that are the best fit for the company. The interviewee should be focused on what you can do, are willing to do and who you want to do it for.
Both sides need to know their deal breakers.
Deal Breakers from a company perspective might be culture driven or image driven. A deal breaker can be lack of eye contact or not being prepared for the interview. For some companies or open positions deal breakers could be education related or lack of experience with a type of construction. At my company, a deal breaker is anyone not self-disciplined and relationship-driven as our business is serving people.
Deal breakers from the interviewee’s perspective may be personal related like they cannot work past a certain time due to having to pick up children or make it to class. A deal breaker could be benefit-driven like healthcare, paid time off or company vehicle. Other deal breakers might be having to travel or complete a task like estimating they may not want to do despite being trained to do so.
Once a deal breaker has surfaced during interview be confident to nicely inform the candidate or employer that you appreciate the opportunity to meet, although at this time you are unable to move forward. If one side settles it will eventually lead to a severed relationship and could hurt your career or the employer’s business. So, remember to make it all about you so you find the right, long term match!